ExecutivE Board Officers and Responsibilities
The President leads the club's activities, presides over meetings of the club and Executive Board, exercises powers granted in the Constitution and By-laws, serves as an ex-officio member of all committees without voting rights, and ensures officers and committees fulfill their responsibilities according to the Constitution and By-laws. [1]
Vice President:
Vice President support the President as needed and carry out the responsibilities outlined for them in the Constitution and By-laws.
Membership VP: Shall recruit members and maintain all records pertaining to membership
Membership Assistant: Helps with maintaining records and other activities in support of membership
Safety Officer:
Calendar VP: Deals with dive trips and all usual activities of this organization other than those held at meetings Calendar Assistant:
Programs VP: Shall deal with activities held at meetings
Programs Assistant:
The Treasurer manages all club funds, maintains financial records, presents financial reports at meetings, prepares the annual fiscal report, assists with tax returns and other required financial forms, and retains original receipts for club expenses.
The Secretary keeps records of club meetings, reads minutes from the previous meeting, clarifies motions during meetings, preserves club records and documents, and performs other tasks typically associated with the role of secretary.
The Sergeant-at-Arms is responsible for maintaining order and distributing member identification tags at meetings.
Members At Large:
This officer's duties are assigned by the President and may include assisting other board members with their workload or handling other tasks as needed.The membership will elect one member for every 25 active club members, limited to a maximum of 5 members at large.
The Greeter welcomes new members and guests and provides them with orientation.
The Webmaster maintains the club's website and oversees the publication and distribution of the newsletter.
Webmaster Assistant:
Helps with updating website, adding photos, in collaboration with Webmaster.
Social Media VP: The social media officer manages outreach via social media tools such as Instagram and Facebook.