Well here it is March already. It seems like the holiday party was just a couple of weeks ago. Oh, wait a minute, it was just a couple of weeks ago. If you missed it you missed a great party. As promised, the food, music and company were top notch. We also did something we should have done long ago, making Joe Smariga an honorary member. This was done to recognize all the work that Joe has and continues to do. He has held most of the offices on the Eboard, does all of the grilling whenever we have a party with cooking is involved, tends bar at the holiday party, coordinates the Keys weekend and takes care of the IT at our meetings. It was my great pleasure to present Joe with a certificate naming him an honorary member. It is well deserved. 

The lobster hunters among us will be busy this month, weather permitting. As you might know, lobster season ends March 31. 

There are a few dives scheduled in March including a lemon shark dive  so check out the calendar and join in for a fun day of diving. We also have a few non diving events for the cold water phobics including a bike ride in Shark Valley so think about joining in. 

Consider coordinating an event. You don’t have to be a member of the Eboard to do events. Anyone on the eboard would be thrilled to walk you through it. Don’t be shy. 

Please remember to pay your dues if you haven’t done so already. Remember, you cannot participate in most club activities unless you are a member in good standing. 

Jeff Raffa
President SFDI


I can’t say that the weather has been conducive to diving lately. It’s been windy and it’s been cold. It’s not a good sign when the mid winter water temperature is significantly warmer than the air temperature. As always, better days are coming. Before we know it we will be back into spring weather.

Our January wacky gift exchange was lots of fun as it always is. I think most people were happy with the gifts they received. I know that I was. Thanks to John and Donna for officiating.

Even though we haven’t been doing too much diving, there are lots of fun activities on the calendar. It’s normal for the diving to decrease at this time of year so your Eboard has come up with some great events, some old favorites and some new stuff. Check out the calendar.

Please, if you haven’t already paid your dues please do so either at the meeting or through the mail or email and PayPal. We need proof of dive insurance and the renewal forms filled out also. Unlike everything else, our dues have not gone up in price. This club membership is still a bargain.

Hoping to see many of you at the meeting or at some of the other club events. Our meeting venue is changing with the February meeting. We will now meet at the Broward County Firefighters Benevolent Association. It is located at 309 SW 26th Street, Fort Lauderdale. It is right around the corner from the VFW, our former meeting place. They have a bar but no food but you are allowed to bring food in. Hopefully, this location is more convenient than the Elks Club.

Live long and lobster,
Jeff Raffa


Happy New Year to all of you. 

I missed seeing you all at the holiday party. As you may know the annual holiday party has been postponed to February 15, the day after Valentine’s Day. Some of you are under the impression that this will be a Valentine’s Day party thus requiring a date. Not true! It is simply a redo of our holiday party and stags of all genders are welcome. As always feel free to bring guests. The more the merrier. The food is always terrific and plentiful and the music will be outstanding!  It will be held at the IT Parker civic center. 

As you know our elections were held at the December meeting and I’m happy to say we have some new blood on the Eboard. Please be aware that you do not have to be on the Eboard to organize an event. All you need do is approach an Eboard member and tell them you would like to get an event on the calendar. We would love the membership to sponsor dives but any other events are welcome. Don’t be intimidated, we are very happy to help you if it’s needed. 

Hoping to see a lot of you at the wacky gift exchange. It is by far the most fun meeting of the year. 

Once again, I wish everyone a happy and healthy New Year!

Jeff Raffa



Wow! 2024 is nearly gone! Every year seems to go by more quickly than the previous one. 

As usual we held the nominations for the E-board at the November meeting. The nominations are still open. We will take additional nominations at the December meeting. All positions are open! At this time we do not have a nominee for VP of Calendar. This is a very important position and I’m hoping that someone will step forward and accept a nomination. No experience is necessary and I’m sure John will help the new candidate. 

As I think most of you know, our holiday party has been postponed until February 15 due to the unavailability of our venue. Instead we will celebrate Valentines Day on the fifteenth of February. It will be the same menu and open bar that we enjoy at the holiday party. Please mark the date on your calendar. 

Even though there will not be a holiday party there will still be a Christmas tree dive on Dec 14. The tree will be sunk onto the deck of the Merci Jesus and then decorated with fish food. It makes for a great photo opportunity of the feeding frenzy. Check the calendar for more details. 

Our annual holiday lights cruise will be Sunday December 15. Once again we will hold the event on the Sea Experience, docked at Bahia Mar. Please bring your beverage of choice and some finger food to share. Once again, feel free to bring guests. The boat will leave the dock promptly at 6pm. The cost for this event will be $37, the same as last year. That includes tax and gratuity. We plan to be back at the dock before 9pm. Please send a check to the club PO Box or pay by PayPal. 

As the year is coming to a close, please remember to renew your membership. Don’t forget that you must fill out a renewal form and sign the waivers. You must also provide proof of insurance that will cover a dive injury. Please remember to update your information if you have moved or changed phone numbers or email addresses. You can download the renewal form from the club website. 

I would like to wish everyone a very happy holiday season and a happy and healthy new year. 

