As I am on a converted oil rig in Malaysia writing this message, it will be brief. Our biggest event, perhaps ever, will take place on July 20 at Tropical Acres. OUR FIFTIETH ANNIVERSARY!!! If you have not made your reservation yet please do so immediately, by signing up and sending in a $10 per person refundable deposit. You won’t want to miss this event and it’s free!

Being it’s July, our calendar is full of fun events. Check it out and join us. I hope to see many of you at the gala and on all of the other events.

Live long and lobster! Jeff

Gala 50th Anniversary Dinner
Saturday July 20
Tropical Acres, 2500 Griffin Rd
Reservation Required ASAP

6:30 pm Cocktails, 7:30 Buffet Dinner Reservation
Active members and their significant others are invited to attend (please no non-member guests). Reserve your place with a $10 deposit which will be refunded when you attend. Paypal If you have questions, see Donna, Cheryl, or Ginny.