Well here it is March already. It seems like the holiday party was just a couple of weeks ago. Oh, wait a minute, it was just a couple of weeks ago. If you missed it you missed a great party. As promised, the food, music and company were top notch. We also did something we should have done long ago, making Joe Smariga an honorary member. This was done to recognize all the work that Joe has and continues to do. He has held most of the offices on the Eboard, does all of the grilling whenever we have a party with cooking is involved, tends bar at the holiday party, coordinates the Keys weekend and takes care of the IT at our meetings. It was my great pleasure to present Joe with a certificate naming him an honorary member. It is well deserved.
The lobster hunters among us will be busy this month, weather permitting. As you might know, lobster season ends March 31.
There are a few dives scheduled in March including a lemon shark dive so check out the calendar and join in for a fun day of diving. We also have a few non diving events for the cold water phobics including a bike ride in Shark Valley so think about joining in.
Consider coordinating an event. You don’t have to be a member of the Eboard to do events. Anyone on the eboard would be thrilled to walk you through it. Don’t be shy.
Please remember to pay your dues if you haven’t done so already. Remember, you cannot participate in most club activities unless you are a member in good standing.
Jeff Raffa
President SFDI