Happy New Year to all of you. 

I missed seeing you all at the holiday party. As you may know the annual holiday party has been postponed to February 15, the day after Valentine’s Day. Some of you are under the impression that this will be a Valentine’s Day party thus requiring a date. Not true! It is simply a redo of our holiday party and stags of all genders are welcome. As always feel free to bring guests. The more the merrier. The food is always terrific and plentiful and the music will be outstanding!  It will be held at the IT Parker civic center. 

As you know our elections were held at the December meeting and I’m happy to say we have some new blood on the Eboard. Please be aware that you do not have to be on the Eboard to organize an event. All you need do is approach an Eboard member and tell them you would like to get an event on the calendar. We would love the membership to sponsor dives but any other events are welcome. Don’t be intimidated, we are very happy to help you if it’s needed. 

Hoping to see a lot of you at the wacky gift exchange. It is by far the most fun meeting of the year. 

Once again, I wish everyone a happy and healthy New Year!

Jeff Raffa
