We have a very busy calendar for the rest of the summer and beyond. Lobster season opened August 6, as usual, which I guess will give the lion fish a reprieve for a while. There are lots of dives scheduled so get on the website and sign up. 

The Key’s weekend will be here before we know it. If you are not on the list and you wish to go you will have to make your own arrangements for a room. We always have a great time on this trip. 

We will have a very interesting speaker at the August meeting. Dr. Richard Coleman will talk to us about mesophotic coral ecosystems ( MCEs ). MCEs are the light dependent coral, sponge and algae communities that typically range from depths of 100 to 450 feet. Dr. Coleman has himself dived to depths as deep as 400 feet for his research. I’m really looking forward to this presentation. 

I hope to see many of you at the meeting on September 4th!

The water is quite warm and it won’t last long so let’s go diving. 

Live long and lobster.
Jeff Raffa
President, SFDI
