August Speker Shelby Thomas CEO and Founder of the Ocean Rescue Alliance

(Shelby (although local, is unavailable to attend physically) will be joining us via Zoom)

Ocean Rescue Alliance (ORA) is a marine conservation and restoration non-profit organization that implements innovative techniques to restore our marine environments.

ORA supports saving our oceans one reef at a time through the creation of artificial reefs designed to incorporate art, innovative designs, and safe materials to enhance marine habitats, protect coastlines and provide a unique diving location. Our research investigates artificial design improvements, coastal protection with wave reduction modules, coral restoration, oyster restoration, mangrove restoration, seawall enchantments, fish population dynamics & recruitment to contribute to effective restoration. Our artistically crafted reefs enable every individual the opportunity to create an eternal reef for their loved one or company. Art themed reefs connect the local community history and culture while creating a lasting memory on the ocean floor that will help restore our marine ecosystems. Our education program seeks to empower and inspire our future generations to maintain our marine environments. Our citizen science program, Coral Rangers, engages our local communities in reef monitoring and coral restoration efforts. Our goal is to spread awareness and create marine habitats that will last for generations to come. Through ORA our alliance will unite marine conservation and restoration organizations around the globe helping us save our oceans one reef at a time!

(Shelby (although local, is unavailable to attend physically) will be joining us via Zoom)

2.  Shelby Thomas Bio

Founder and CEO of the Ocean Rescue Alliance, a marine conservation and restoration nonprofit organization, that implements innovative techniques to restore marine environments. She is an expert in marine restoration and conservation, receiving her master’s in Marine Ecology and currently completing her PhD in Marine Biology with the University of Florida. She is an environmentalist and marine conservation advocate who hopes to inspire others to protect our environments. She has worked with various restoration projects including coral, seagrass, oyster, sea-urchin, and scallop restoration.

She is passionate about preserving our natural ecosystems and creating a foundation for their appreciation. Her nonprofit combines art to aid in communicating science to the public in impactful ways. The Ocean Rescue Alliance artificial reefs create complex habitat space, enable species specific restoration and serve as ecotourism destinations that combines art and culture to connect the communities they serve. She now has worked with over 25 different restoration projects and continues to conduct research in this field. Through her research and outreach, she plans to assist in conserving, restoring, and better managing our ecosystems. She would like to make a lasting impact, conserving our environments while also improving peoples lives around the world.