September Speaker James Blackman

James Blackman 2022 - James started his diving career in the frigid waters off the turbulent coast of Cornwall, England. If your first dives are made in seas that resemble semi-frozen cabbage soup and you come away with a passion for the sport, you know it will be a life-long pursuit.

James spent ten years at sea working on luxury yachts and expedition ships, exploring the lesser-travelled corners of the world, from Russia’s White Sea to the coast of Madagascar, from Antarctica to Melanesia and far up the Amazon river. He has provided in-water safety direction for a wide range of media projects and public events and is a Public Safety Diver Instructor for Police and Fire Search and Rescue Units. While working in the Caribbean, James was involved in many search and recovery operations, from post-hurricane clean-ups to missing fishermen and lost or sunken property.
James’ teaching style is adaptable to the needs of his students. Each program starts with a consultation focused on the students’ goals. From there, James will tailor a training plan. Choosing to only teach one or two individuals at a time, James follows the exacting course standards as required by the training agency, but then takes the extra time for additional sessions, further developing each students’ knowledge and skills.
Now making his home in South Florida, James is enamored with the local dive scene here, especially the variety of wreck sites along our coast. When not travelling for expeditions or in-water safety diver roles, James can be found developing and mentoring the next generation of Technical Divers and Public Safety Divers here in Miami’s tropical climate.