Well here it is March already. It seems like the holiday party was just a couple of weeks ago. 

The lobster hunters among us will hopefully be busy for the next four weeks as the lobster season comes to a close at the end of March. We have been blown out of our past few attempts to dive and the water is on the cool side so hopefully March will have better conditions. After the lobster season ends we can shoot lion fish to give our other reef fish a break from these voracious eaters. 

Thanks to Donna Eades we had a great time on the annual Tri Rail pub crawl. I’m already looking forward to next year’s trip. 

Our March meeting speaker will be Jim Garber. Jim will show us how to be more creative in our underwater photography. 

We have a few dives scheduled in March so check out the calendar and join us for a fun day of diving. We also have a few non diving events for the cold water phobics so think about joining us. 

Please remember to pay your dues if you haven’t done so already. Remember, you cannot participate in most club activities unless you are a member in good standing. 

I’m looking forward to seeing many of you at the March meeting. 

Jeff Raffa
President SFDI