Well, the pig roast was a huge success. If you missed it, you missed a fun evening with great food and great people. We never know how many people will show up for our parties so I have to tell you that I was happy with the turnout. Let’s hope we can keep it going for the seafood fest in the fall. Thanks especially to Joe Smariga, for taking care of the pig and everyone else who helped with the set up and break down. Thanks also to everyone who brought the delicious sides, appetizers and desserts. Everything was terrific. 

With summer approaching, many of you who haven’t been diving in the winter will be getting back into the water. Before you go please be sure to check out all of your gear and have it serviced if necessary. You don’t want to find out you have an equipment problem on a dive boat or worse, under water.

We have lots of activities planned. Be sure to check the calendar out and fill out an interest form on the website to take part. Be sure to either mail your payment or pay with PayPal.   

The water is slowly warming up and I hope to be in a 3mm suit the next time I’m out. The winds have been awful lately which has kept me out of the water for quite some time. Hopefully the weather will be more favorable for being out on a boat in the near future.

I hope to see a lot of you on the events we have planned.

Live long and lobster.

Jeff Raffa
President SFDI



President’s Message

Happy April everyone! Spring weather is finally with us and hopefully corresponding sea temperatures. It’s still quite windy so we are hopeful that conditions will improve in the near future.

The annual pig roast will be held Saturday, April 27, at 6:30 at the VFW. It is always a fun party for us, for the pig, not so much. Don’t forget to bring either a side dish, appetizer or dessert and a big appetite. Once again, feel free to bring guests, the more the merrier. Unlike the holiday party, we are not allowed to bring any alcoholic beverages to the VFW. The club, a usual, will provide beer, wine, soft drinks and water.

Don’t forget to check the calendar for scheduled events. We have lots of fun events planned including a trip to Cozumel at the end of May. We usually have at least one members  private boat dive per month and if you haven’t done one of those you should consider it. We always have a lot of fun.

If you haven’t been diving in a while it might be a good idea to have your gear checked out. That second stage of yours might have something living in it after being in your garage so long. Now is a good time to have it serviced.

If you haven’t paid your dues for 2024 yet, please do so as soon as possible and submit your signed renewal forms

Looking forward to seeing a lot of you either a meeting or on a dive boat.

Live long and lobster!

Jeff Raffa
President SFDI


Well here it is March already. It seems like the holiday party was just a couple of weeks ago. 

The lobster hunters among us will hopefully be busy for the next four weeks as the lobster season comes to a close at the end of March. We have been blown out of our past few attempts to dive and the water is on the cool side so hopefully March will have better conditions. After the lobster season ends we can shoot lion fish to give our other reef fish a break from these voracious eaters. 

Thanks to Donna Eades we had a great time on the annual Tri Rail pub crawl. I’m already looking forward to next year’s trip. 

Our March meeting speaker will be Jim Garber. Jim will show us how to be more creative in our underwater photography. 

We have a few dives scheduled in March so check out the calendar and join us for a fun day of diving. We also have a few non diving events for the cold water phobics so think about joining us. 

Please remember to pay your dues if you haven’t done so already. Remember, you cannot participate in most club activities unless you are a member in good standing. 

I’m looking forward to seeing many of you at the March meeting. 

Jeff Raffa
President SFDI


I can’t say that the weather has been conducive to diving lately. It’s been windy and lately it’s been cold. It’s not a good sign when the mid winter water temperature is significantly warmer than the air temperature. As always, better days are coming. Before we know it we will be back into spring weather.

Our January wacky gift exchange was lots of fun as it always is. I think most people were happy with the gifts they received. I know that I was. Thanks to John and Donna for officiating.

Even though we haven’t been doing too much diving, there are lots of fun activities on the calendar. It’s normal for the diving to decrease at this time of year so your Eboard has come up with some great events, some old favorites and some new stuff. Check out the calendar.

Please, if you haven’t already paid your dues please do so either at the meeting or through the mail or email and PayPal. We need proof of dive insurance and the renewal forms filled out also. Unlike everything else, our dues have not gone up in price. This club membership is still a bargain.

Hoping to see many of you at the meeting or at some of the other club events.
Live long and lobster,
